Monday, July 28, 2008

Going Green w/Chipping and Cigar Smoking Area

Someone on a network show today said that summer is almost over. Can that be possible? The kids will be back to school in a couple weeks I know.

My husband Roger and I are still getting bids on the front and back yard landscaping water smart redo, replacing the pool decking and patio with pavers and resurfacing the pool. I suspect that my husband's unrelenting eagerness is based more on his enthusiasm for his soon to be new artificial putting green and chipping area. (see future site of putting green on the right above)

Thankfully he spends a lot of time in the back yard chain cigar smoking, which I am sure also contributes to all of this new found excitement. (Not thankful he smokes, thankful it isn't inside)

With any luck the project should be ready for his birthday on September 1st. He deserves to squeeze all the passion and enjoyment he can muster out of the backyard during his remaining years. I look forward to watching him stand in the shade of his newly planted Canary Island palm tree while sinking a putt with a cigar hanging out of his mouth. (aka Phoenix palm)

PS. That isn't my cute bumbossity in the picture above although the resemblance is remarkably similar! Don't cha think?


what's her bucket said...

what the hell is cute bumbossity?

Suddenly Sixty said...


Mark said...

Hi, we had a beautiful pool for years. But always the specter of problems. Filled it in. Built condo. Now, if I could just give up smoking. Great blog you're running. Jack